“Art is science”. Laboratory of applied sciences to cultural heritage

The Tree has been lit up at the MArRC, together with the “shimmering” program of activities for the Christmas period. On Friday, December 7th, on the eve of the Feast of the Immaculate, starting at 10.00 am, the first event is an educational-experiential meeting for the project “Art is Science” promoted by the Italian Association of Archaeometry.
The CNR researcher Rosa Ponterio will take care of the laboratory with the significant title: “The physics of beauty”. The aim is of presenting “field scientists” to school student, showing how methods of physics and chemistry are applied for the study, restoration, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage.
In March (from 27 to 29), the National Conference of the AIAR will be held in MArRC, on the theme of “Valorization in museums through the use of scientific methodologies”.