visita didattica


The National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria offers a wide range of didactic itineraries for both adults and children and for schools of all levels. These are educational guided tours that allow visitors to explore specific cultural themes of Magna Graecia history and archaeology, with attention to the needs of the disabled public.

The offer for schools is constantly being updated, constantly enriched with new interesting partnerships and new services, according to differentiated targets, with the support of new technologies and in line with the latest pedagogical and scientific research.


Learning activities and workshops

The MArRC offers educational tours aimed at children and dedicated to the permanent collections housed in the exhibition halls. The guided tours, with an educational purpose, allow visitors to explore specific cultural themes of the history and archaeology of Magna Graecia, with the aim of promoting links with the territory and with special attention to the needs of the disabled public. The activities are proposed by the Educational Services and Didactics Office on pre-established dates and on days dedicated to the promotion of the historical-archaeological heritage.

The educational offer

The educational offer includes a series of activities designed for children between the ages of 6 and 11.

Safari at the MarRC

An adventure in the form of a guided tour that leads to the discovery of the exhibits in the museum’s showcases in an engaging way, including through the discovery of the animal world.

Words and images from myth

A workshop designed to share the pleasure of reading and to explore the history of the gods through the telling of myth.

Le proposte sono in continuo aggiornamento sul sito alla sezione dedicata
Per info e prenotazioni: man-rc.didattica@cultura.gov.it

Social Innovation Lab (MARE Labo)

Sensitive to the topic of museum accessibility, inclusive workshops were planned for various age groups run by MARE Social Innovation Lab (MARE Labo).


Let’s touch art

A tactile workshop for the visually impaired, designed with the aim of revealing the secrets of certain works through the use of special tactile boards reproducing eight exhibits from the collection housed within the MArRC;

The museum for everyone

A workshop that is open to all and can be adapted and aimed, in particular, at people with intellectual disabilities. It invites adults and children to get to know and investigate art through new senses and new approaches. In this case, a treasure hunt to discover some of the Museum’s most iconic and beautiful works will guide them through the museum spaces.


Per info e prenotazioni: segreteria.coopmare@gmail.com

CoopCulture External Activities

CoopCulture External Activities

In addition to the activities proposed by the Education and Didactic Services Office and MARE Labo, paid activities are available from the external service company CoopCulture.

To book visits and workshops by CoopCulture:

Contact: 06 399 676 00 / edu@coopculture.it / www.coopculture.it/it/education/


PCTO – PTSO – Pathways for transversal skills and orientation

In order to facilitate vocational choices through direct knowledge of the world of work and to support schools in the educational processes outlined with the PTSOs, the Museum welcomes at its premises young people who want to gain experience in the museum environment.
The proposed activities, which are an integral part of the Education and Didactic Services, aim to provide an educational offer that enriches the children’s scientific and cultural background and foster hospitality, collaboration and cooperation with schools.
PTSOs will give young people the opportunity to follow a training course involving practical activities and study, aimed at learning about different aspects of the museum reality; to increase their cultural, practical and scientific background through the use of methodologies, tools and resources that foster active informal learning in the workplace.
Students can be actively involved in various activities, which will be supervised, co-designed and directed by the school and museum tutor.
They are addressed to all study courses, in the last three years of high school ‘in order to increase students’ orientation skills.

foto pcto

Proposed activities

  • School and Museum: Unity is Strength
  • Cicero for a day, connoisseur for a lifetime.

For info and bookings


Internships and traineeships

Among the opportunities offered there is also the possibility of interesting training experiences such as curricular and extracurricular internships, in order to orient the students towards the different areas of their activities, integrating and deepening their personal theoretical preparation with a practical experience to be carried out in the halls of one of the most important museums of Magna Graecia.

The proposal is aimed at university students or those enrolled in Master’s and Advanced Training Courses in disciplines related to the historical-artistic heritage and degree courses in Literature with a historical-artistic focus, Conservation of the Cultural Heritage, Diagnostics and Restoration, Architecture, Engineering, Academy of Fine Arts, Computer Science, Communication Sciences, Economics of the Cultural Heritage, Archiving, Library Science.

The activities carried out at the Museum are manifold and offer the possibility of inclusion in many areas: cataloguing, computerisation of data, conservation and protection of collections, educational activities, reorganisation of documentary and photographic archives, organisation of temporary exhibitions.

The internship or traineeship is organised by means of agreements between the institution and Italian universities or through agreements with other training and foreign institutions. Each intern is supervised by a tutor throughout the entire internship.

How to apply for internships or traineeships

Send internship application by email specifying your area of interest at man-rc@cultura.gov.it

The application is preliminary to an orientation interview to be held at the Museum’s Management. Applications are accepted on the basis of the candidates’ curricular profile and the needs dictated by the Museum’s cultural programming.


The Educational and Didactic Services Office participates and offers training and information workshops on various topics in cooperation with the Museum’s Restoration and Collections Office. This includes the ARTM project – Augmented Reality Training and Museum, in collaboration with Living Camera, dedicated to new languages of communication, during which participants will be able to come into direct contact with the works of our cultural heritage, in order to start designing content for augmented reality for the entire duration of the module.
The workshop includes master classes and lectures on topics such as filmmaking, directing, video editing, graphics, marketing and the construction of augmented reality content for the archaeological and cultural heritage of the Calabrian territory.