Food, Culture, Archeology and Art

“Agri&Culture: food is culture, the land is wealth”, is the title of the meeting promoted at the MArRC in collaboration with Confagricoltura Calabria, on Thursday July 19th, starting from 5.30 pm. Present for institutional greetings, together with the director of the Museum Carmelo Malacrino: the President of Calabria Region Mario Oliverio and the President of the Regional Council Nicola Irto. Speakers: the national President of Confagricoltura, Massimiliano Giansanti, and the president of Confagricoltura Calabria, Alberto Statti.
A recognition has been given to the director Malacrino for the commitment to enhance the cultural heritage through the combination of “good and nice“.
The provincial federations of Confagricoltura will contribute to the restoration of some of the finds in the museum collection through Art Bonus for the project “Adopt a find”. In the space of Place Paolo Orsi – which houses the temporary exhibition “The flavors of the origins: the culture of food in protohistoric Calabria”, by the director Carmelo Malacrino with the archaeologists Francesco Quondam and Ivana Vacirca – will be set up “Food&Culture“, the exhibition of the excellence of the food tradition in Calabria: bergamot, clementines, oil, wine, cheeses, cured meats. Until July 22nd.