Gerace. The Magno-Greek City of the Hundred Churches

Gerace. The Magno-Greek City of the Hundred Churches

In the evocative space of Piazza Paolo Orsi, on Saturday, December 21st, at 5.00 pm, there will be a meeting to present the collective volume “Gerace. Magno-Greek city of the Hundred Churches. Stories and relived images”, by professor Francesco Maria Spanò, a jurist, the director of Human Resources at the Luiss Guido Carli University, among the promoters of Gerace’s candidacy for the UNESCO World Heritage site.

The author and editor will be interviewed by the journalist and university lecturer Domenico Nunnari.

Speaker: the director of the MArRC Library, Giacomo Oliva, among the authors of the miscellaneous publication.

The works will be closed by the procurator of the Republic of Catanzaro Nicola Gratteri, who ha participated by a writing to the book.

“The book offers a journey of memory through photographs from the seventies, which tell the beauty of the city of Gerace in those years, also thanks to the stories of some citizens”, Spanò explains. “People from Gerace is son of the Great-Greek polis of Locri. In the course of its Christian history it has hosted a hundred churches; today there are still about thirty and about thirty monasteries. It is – he continues – a journey through time of the writer and a community through the lens of those who lived in a provincial location, in a region, Calabria, that is considered peripheral and in which instead we discover an intense human and cultural vitality”.

The volume houses the photographs of Mimmo Curulli. On the cover: the image of the marvelous marble inlay of the altar of the Church of San Francesco, in Gerace.