Longevity starts as children. Meeting-interview with the pediatrician Claudia Romeo
The program of cultural activities for the Christmas holidays at the Museum during the week before the Event is confirmed in the name of inclusion and dialogue between knowledge, sciences and arts.
On Friday, December 20th, the appointment with the public of the MArRC is in the afternoon, at 5.00 pm, in Piazza Paolo Orsi, together with the International Writers’ Center of Calabria and the Committee for the Bergamot of Reggio Calabria, for the conference-interview with the doctor pediatrician Claudia Romeo, who is a collaborator of the well-known bio-gerontologist, oncologist and nutritionist Valter Longo (Ligurian born, but of Calabrian origins) for the writing of the book “Longevity begins as children”.
Proceeds from the sale of the publication will be donated to scientific research for the development of treatments and therapies accessible to all of the diseases associated with aging and to implement food prevention programs in schools in summer camps for children.
The interview is by journalists Giorgio Neri and Santo Strati.
A medical surgeon specializing in pediatrics, Dr. Romeo is a medical director at the operational unit of prenatal neonatology and intensive care at the “Pugliese Ciaccio” Hospital in Catanzaro.
He will introduce: the historian Pasquale Amato, professor at the University for Foreigners “Dante Alighieri”, head of the History Section of the CIS and spokesman of the Committee for the Bergamot of Reggio Calabria.
Speakers will welcome greetings: Carmelo Malacrino, director of the museum, and CIS president Loreley Rosita Borruto.