Museum Festival and European Museum Night 2019 at the MArRC

Museum Festival and European Museum Night 2019 at the MArRC

Stimulating public interest and participation in the activities of museum institutes as places of knowledge and aggregation at the service of the culture and development of the communities of the territory, the International Museum Day has been promoted by the International Council of Museums (ICOM).

In conjunction with this initiative, the General Directorate of Museums of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities has set up the Museum Festival on the third weekend of May. The event is one of the major events promoted by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities.

The National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria participates in the 2019 edition, which takes place on Saturday May 18th. It offers a rich program of events to make its archaeological heritage known and enhance the Calabrian cultural tradition.
The theme chosen for the fourth edition in synergy with the International Day of Museums and with the International Conference of Kyoto 2019 is: “Museums as cultural hubs: the future of tradition”.

The MArRC adheris to the European Museum Night with the extraordinary evening opening, from 8.00 pm to 11.00 pm, with an entrance ticket at the symbolic price of 1 euro. The initiative is sponsored by the Council of Europe.

on Saturday May 18th

at 11.00 am, a guided tour of the Riace and Porticello Bronzes and at level D of the permanent exhibition dedicated to ancient Reggio, by the director of the Library of the MArRC, Giacomo Oliva;

at 4.00 pm, for the Archeo-Kids program, dedicated to children aged 5 to 10, the play and theater workshop “Ercole Reggino. What an effort to be a demigod!”, by the staff of collaborators in educational services. The youngsters are offered a path of knowledge through play and creativity to discover the fascinating world of Greek mythology, in particular the heroic figure of Hercules. To participate, please send an email to:;

at 7.30 pm, a guided tour of the exhibition “Dodonaios. The Oracle of Zeus and the Magna Graecia”, at level E of temporary exhibitions, by the staff of collaborators in educational services. A trip to Magna Graecia, in Epirus, where the oldest sanctuary dedicated to Zeus, in Dodona, attracted pilgrims from all over the Greek world for centuries to question the gods on personal matters. The exhibition is the result of an international collaboration and presents for the first time to the Italian public, among other things, finds from the collection of the Archaeological Museum of Ioannina in Greece;

at 9.30 pm, guests will be offered a guided tour, by the staff of collaborators in educational services, of the exhibition “Ade and Persefone. Lords of the Hereafter ”, in Piazza Paolo Orsi. Visitors will be able to discover suggestive details of one of the most widespread cults in ancient Calabria.