Nosside Award XXXIII, Ceremony at the MArRC

Nosside Award XXXIII, Ceremony at the MArRC

Appointment on the spectacular terrace on the Strait, on Friday, November 30th, at 5.00 pm, for the Ceremony of delivery of the prestigious Nosside Award, which celebrates the 33rd edition in the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

It will be the magic “living room under the stars” of the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria to host the final moment of what the founder and president, the historian Pasquale Amato, defines “the only global poetic contest, open to all languages and to all forms of communication, to the poetesses and poets who write in the native languages of the original countries of the five continents “.

The Award, that is named after Nosside, perhaps the greatest poetess of Magna Graecia, originally from the Ionian coast of Reggio, in the fifth century BC, “contributes – says Amato – to build bridges of dialogue between languages, cultures, ethnic groups and religions, to eliminate the barriers of prejudices and odes that wind through the planet and that often turn into wars and terrorism”.

The winner this year is the Argentine poet Ana Marìa Gonzàlez.

The special mention of the Jury have been given to the Italians Emanuele Aloisi and Caterina Zappia and to Melita Toka Karahaliou for Greece. The extraordinary, particular and simple mentions are for seven poets and poetesses of Africa, America and Europe. For Italy: Valentina Carleo, Rita Minniti, Giancarlo Secci, Andrea Audino, Giovanna Brancatisano, Ester Cecere, Barbara Caporicci, Margherita Celestino, Paolo Landrelli, Roberto Lasco, Francesco Surace.

The Jury, chaired by professor emeritus of Italian literature at the University of Messina Giuseppe Amoroso and vice-president Vincenzo Crupi, professor of Logic at the University of Turin, is composed of: Salvo Amore (Italy), Rosalie Gallo (Brazil), Adriana Iozzi (Brazil), Mariela Johnson Salfrán (Cuba), Angelo Rizzi (France), Antonio Rossi (Italy), Antonino Zumbo (Italy). Secretary: Rosamaria Malafarina.

To end the evening happily, the maestro Angelo Laganà will cheer guests with his legendary accordion in an Argentine tango concert.

The director of the Museum, Carmelo Malacrino comments: “The MArRC, in line with its mission of enhancing the cultural heritage of the museum and the regional territory, enthusiastically hosts this important literary prize. Over the centuries, poetry has always been the privileged language of expression of human creativity between knowledge of the past and creation of the future”.