Presentation of the Erasmus Program H.E.R.I.T.A.G.E. – Human Resources for International Cultural Management

Presentation of the Erasmus Program H.E.R.I.T.A.G.E. – Human Resources for International Cultural Management

The MArRC has signed a collaboration agreement with Ecolandia’s Technological Environmental Park for cultural heritage promotion and communication activities. Among the associates, the Park includes the Mediterranean Stable Development Consortium – Co.Me.S., leading organization for the Erasmus Program “H.E.R.I.T.A.G.E. – Human Resources for International Cultural Management”, for the assignment of scholarships for mobility abroad for 70 Calabrian graduates in the sectors: hotel, tourism, economic and marketing, communication and graphics, IT, art. The selected young people will be able to carry out internships in the United Kingdom, Belgium, France and Malta.

The project, in collaboration with Confesercenti Reggio Calabria, will be presented on the morning of Wednesday 27th November, at 11.00, in the Conference Room, in the presence of the representatives of the partner institutions.

After the greetings of the director Carmelo Malacrino and the present authorities, they will speak: Annamaria Condemi, contact person for the Erasmus project; Franco Rogolino, director of Confesercenti Reggio Calabria; Marcello Spagnolo, Head of Marketing and Communication at Ecolandia.