Rosso Calabria, at the MArRC, where knowledge is with taste

Rosso Calabria, at the MArRC, where knowledge is with taste

The “beautiful and good Calabria” is staged at the MArRC, on Saturday December 15th. The Museum is the location for the “Rosso Calabria” event, organized by the Regional Department of Agriculture and Food and Agricultural Resources with the Department of Tourism at the same time in the five Calabrian cities, in collaboration with the Protection Consortia, the agro-food production companies and wine and local action groups (Gal) that manage the contributions made by the European Union.

The event aims to tell a project of valorisation of regional cultural heritage together with Dop and Igp products and in relation to rural development policies.

The opening is at 4.00 pm, by the performance of a craftsman for the Chestnut working , in collaboration with Confartigianato Calabria.

At 4.30 pm there will be a moment of animation by the Gal.

At 5.00 pm, the conference “From the land the future is born” will be held, promoted by the Calabria Region to present the first results of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020.
The director of the MArRC Carmelo Malacrino will open the meeting with the president of the Calabria Region, Mario Gerardo Oliverio and the journalist Massimo Tigani Sava.
The works will be introduced: Domenico Ferrara and Cosimo Caridi, from the Agriculture Department and agri-food resources.
Speakers: Stefano Bivone, provincial president Coldiretti of Reggio Calabria; Angelo Politi, director of Confagricoltura Calabria; Antonio Franconeri, president of Cia Calabria Sud; Fortunata Calì, referent Copagri of Vibo Valentia; Romina Leotta, president of Anpa, Territorial Headquarters of Stilo; Francesco Macrì and Antonio Alvaro, Gal of the province of Reggio Calabria.
Some promotional spots of the regional cultural heritage will be screened.

In closing, at 6.00 pm, a tasting of typical products will be offered.

At 8.00 pm, on the Piazza de Nava, in front of the Museum, the musical groups Parafoné and Hantura will perform for the Festival of Calabrian ethnic-musical traditions.

“The Calabrian culture is full of many components, which concern the work of genius and of creativity as well as the beauty of the landscape and the extraordinary variety of agricultural and wine production in the region “, the MArRC director Carmelo Malacrino says.