The Antonio Scopelliti 2020 Award to the MArRC

The Antonio Scopelliti 2020 Award to the MArRC

The Antonio Scopelliti 2020 Award to the Cultural Institution for the promotion of the Calabrian territory has been awarded to MArRC.

The director Carmelo Malacrino received it during the handover ceremony in the afternoon of Sunday, January 19th, in the Boccioni Room of Palazzo Alvaro.

The motivation of the Award: “For having over time consolidated a national and international image of excellence, demonstrating its ability to grow as a cultural institution beyond the importance represented by the Riace Bronzes, which are preserved and valued there.

The MArRC has thus added to the permanent exhibitions conferences, concerts and temporary exhibitions of high quality and prestige, capable of representing an all-round cultural reference point for the city and for tourists from all over the world.

The Antonino Scopelliti Foundation awards the prize to stimulate the institutions of our region and nationals to further enhance the archaeological heritage of this land, which represents and increasingly could represent an engine of global tourism development, given its location in the heart of Magna Graecia, known worldwide as the cradle of civilization“.

“It is an important recognition of high civil value, that makes us honored and proud – the director Malacrino comments -. Culture plays a fundamental role in the formation of an awareness of cultural identity and behavior oriented towards social respect. Cultural institutions have a great responsibility in this sense, which the MArRC tries to carry out in the most participatory and inclusive way possible in the city of Reggio and throughout the South”.