The “new” Archaeological Museum “Antonio Salinas” of Palermo

The “new” Archaeological Museum “Antonio Salinas” of Palermo

The museums and places of culture on the national territory constitute a “network” of art, knowledge and beauty, all to be discovered as the pieces of a unique extraordinary mosaic of the exceptional Italian cultural heritage. As part of the Summer Nights program at the MArRC 2019, with the special openings on Thursday and Saturday from 8.00 pm to 11.00 pm (with a special ticket at the cost of 3 euros), “The Great Meetings at the MArRC” with the directors of the most representative museums of Magna Graecia, for sharing experiences and testimonies.

On Saturday, July 27th, at 9.00 pm, on the terrace with the extraordinary panoramic view of the Strait, the director of the Archaeological Park of Himera, Solunto and Jato in Sicily, Francesca Spatafora, former director of the Regional Polo of Palermo for the Archaeological Parks and Museums headed at the Archaeological Museum “Antonio Salinas”, will speak about “The ‘new’ Salinas of Palermo, space for the city and the community: a budget”.

“At the end of my mandate, I think I can be satisfied with a positive balance of activities, which gave me great rewards, especially in my relationship with the city”, Spatafora says. “I am happy to be able to intervene at the Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria, one of the most important on the national territory, especially for the greek collection, and which currently houses the great exhibition dedicated to ‘our’ Paolo Orsi, the archaeologist who led the main research in Calabria and Sicily”.