The Terrace in Jazz. Concert of Trumphet and Guitar, on Saturday, July 14th, at 8.30 pm

The Terrace in Jazz. Concert of Trumphet and Guitar, on Saturday, July 14th, at 8.30 pm

The musical programm “Jazz in Terraceat MArRC is opening on Saturday, July 14th, at 8.30 pm, in collaboration with the Ecolandia Playful Technological Environmental Park and with the Peperoncino Jazz Festival.

Two young brilliant emerging jazz musicians will play for the Museum audience: Alessandro Presti at the trumpet and Michael Valeanu at the guitar. They will be introduced by the Museum’s director, Carmelo Malacrino, together with: Sergio Gimigliano, the artistic director of the Picanto association which organizes the Peperoncino Jazz Festival, and Alessio Laganà, the artistic director of the Play Music Festival.

There will be present the “magic bass and contrabasses, best known and appreciated by young people of the Nineties, winner of six Grammy Awards: Christian McBride.