Tanino de Santis. Exhibition opening on Friday July 20th at 5.30 pm

Tanino de Santis. Exhibition opening on Friday July 20th at 5.30 pm

The exhibition dedicated to “Tanino de Santis. A life for Magna Graecia” will be inaugurated at the E level of the MArRC on Friday July 20th, at 5.30 pm. It is edited by the director Carmelo Malacrino, together with the archaeologist Maurizio Paoletti, professor at the University of Calabria and member of the Scientific Committee of the Museum, and the archaeologist Daniela Costanzo (until 31 October).

Visitors to the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria are offered an exhibition of high cultural interest on the figure and personality of high civil value of Tanino de Santis, journalist, archeology enthusiast, originally from Francavilla Marittima, founder and editor of the magazine “Magna Graecia “(from 1968 to 2003), whose pages he conducted social awareness campaigns in defense of cultural and landscape heritage and against illegal building from. For this commitment he was also the victim of an attack.

Over 300 objects, from Prehistory to the Roman Age, from the collection left to the MArRC in 2015 by his wife, Vincenzina Rodotà, will be exhibited. For the first time, the red-figure Pelike which de Santis donated to the Museum since 1951 will be public exhibited. It was immediately restored, but remained in stores. The famous Italiot ceramographer Arthur dale Trendall identified in this objecyts the style of a painter who precisely from the study of this vase he scientifically baptized “de Santis”.

On show, also manuscripts and documents in collaboration with the Humanistic Library of the University of Calabria. The exhibition is part of the calendar of events to celebrate the 2018 declared European Year of Cultural Heritage by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, by the slogan: “Our heritage: where the past meets the future”.